Jinjing Capital

Leading Investment Platform in Asia

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About Jinjing Capital

Founded in 2010, Jinjing Capital has proven to be one of the leading investment platform in Asia in a decade. Currently it has investments in both USD and RMB funds, partnership with high profile SEA families, strategic partners and professional institutes.

Jinjing Capital focuses on identifying and supporting the enterprises with leading edge technology, innovative business model, and high growth potential, with the ability to help fast growing enterprises to achieve strategic goal on its global platform by building up long-term partnership and enhancing solid investment return.

This website does not show the engagement of  Shanghai Jinjing Investment Management Consulting Co., Ltd. ("Jinjing Capital") in any regulated business activities which require registration and filing with the Asset Management Association of China or any other approval from competent regulatory authorities. The contents of this website are not a solicitation of funds by Jinjing Capital from Chinese investors in a non-public manner within the territory of the People's Republic of China, nor do they constitute an offer or invitation to subscribe for investment funds to Chinese investors under the Securities Investment Fund Law of the People's Republic of China, the Regulations on Supervision and Administration of Private Equity Investment Funds and any other applicable laws and regulations.

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